Natures power in every drop of CBD Oil

Organic, Non-GMO, Pharmaceutical Grade, Natural CBD products with consistent potency, purity, taste and colour

Hemp Health Benefits

The reason cannabidiol (CBD) has so many reported benefits in humans is because we are all born with cannabinoid receptors found throughout our entire body. Human bodies have actually been created with the ability to absorb and use cannabinoids in order to support optimal health. The main receptors, called CB1 and CB2 receptors are designed to bind and interact with cannabinoids, resulting in the active compounds in cannabis to be extremely well absorbed and desired by our bodies. Aside from cannabis, there are other plant-based foods such as chocolate and black pepper that contain cannabinoids, as well as the small amounts our bodies naturally produce.


Cannabis has the amazing ability to treat a large range of diseases.


Cannabis and Pharmaceuticals

Cannabis and natural health is a huge threat to the pharmaceutical industry. If people knew they could grow their own medicine in their garden they would be pushing for the legalisation of cannabis which could majorly affect pharmaceutical profits. The pharmaceutical industry is obviously aware of this and are producing synthetic, trademarked cannabinoids which might look like an attractive option, don’t have the cannabinoid synergy affect and health benefits that simple plant extracts do.

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